Petzl RocTrip| Manikia Project:
Manikia The rocks have always been there…
Petzl RocTrip | Manikia Project
…Several years ago a few Greek climbers discovered them and created some climbing routes in the area of Vrisi.
Very few people knew about this climbing spot and the years passed by…
It was not until 2015, when a group of French climbers, located the area and recognized the unique quality and beauty of the rocks in the area of Manikia-Vrisi and the wider region of Kimi. They came in contact with the local authorities and with the support of the Municipality of Kimi-Aliveri started all the approval and licensing procedures by all the relative authorities. So, the story finally begins in October 2018, when the team of the French volunteer climbers started to work on the first routes. By the end of 2019, they completed 350 routes and the goal is for many more as continually new routes are set.
The local community and the Municipality of Kimi – Aliveri have embraced this project. The residents of the entire area of Manikia – Vrisi – Kimi have established an association to support the project, and in full cooperation with the Municipality we all move forward together.
Let’s go for CLIMBING!
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